Saturday, October 18, 2014

Capital letters, Spaces, and Punctuation Marks

Good writers use capital letters, spaces, and
punctuation marks in their sentences.
Good writers don't want their words to have a "car-crash."
When that happens...we can't read our writing as easily.
So, check out our little tricks:
What are spaghetti and meatball spaces?
We have little "spaghetti" spaces between our letters in words.
We use large "meatball" spaces between the words that we write.

We each got a meatball to keep in our tool boxes to use when we write.
Meatballs help us to put spaces between our words in our stories.

Great meatball action!

No "crashes" here!

Meet our Spacemen and Space girls!
These tools are great for making spaces too! 

We learned that we always need a capital letter
at the beginning of our sentences.
In addition, we talked about what kind of
words get capital letters.

Stay tuned for our punctuation tricks!
Coming soon!!!