Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Guided Reading

Just a friendly reminder:

Books are coming home this week!
Please make sure your child reads their book to you
and you sign their reading log.

Also, please send the books back each day.
Enjoy reading with your child! 


We enjoyed our plant unit in Science. 
Check out our flipbooks labeling each plant part
and our pumpkin seeds!

Small Moments

We are focusing on "small moments" in our writing.
We used a pumpkin as an analogy for our small moments.

Good writers think of a big topic (like a pumpkin....it's BIG and broad)
Then, we zoom in a little bit more and add 
more detail about that moment (like a small pumpkin seed)
So, a small moment is like a small pumpkin seed. 
It gives our writing audience the most detail about our topic!

Making Predictions and Connections

We made predictions with different stories! 
We read The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.
Then, we responded to this story using pictures to record our predictions
before and after we read.


In Reader's Workshop, we are discussing "connections."

 -What does it mean to make a connection? 
-How are connections made in the world around us?
 -How does this relate to me as a reader?

We used dot-to-dots to introduce "connections." The kids LOVED it! We discussed how the lines from one dot to another make connections to help us see and understand what the picture is.  The same thing happens when we read a story. We find pictures, phrases, or clues within a story that remind us of something that has happen to us, a place where we have been, another story we have read, or even things within the world around us.  Wow! We make connections more than we think!

Also, we used different physical things to illustrate a connection. We explored velcro, Legos, magnets, puzzle pieces, and much more. We loved making these items connect.

How does this apply to me as a reader? These physical items are like our brains. The items are the new information that we are learning. Each time we add another piece of information to our schema, we find "connections" that helps us understand. We really enjoyed the visuals that help us understand connections. 

We read David Goes to School by David Shannon.
We made connections to this story by drawing what
it reminded us of in our own lives.

Ira said that when David cut in line, it reminded her of a time when
she cut in line.

Makayla had the same connection as Ira! 

Kyler said this story reminded him of a time when he was late--just like David.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Making Predictions


In Reader's Workshop, we made predictions!
We learned...
Good readers use clues in a story to make predictions.
A prediction is a guess.
When a reader makes predictions, it helps them to 
understand what is happening in the story.

To help us understand what it means to make a prediction,
we guessed what could be in our mystery bucket.
We used our 5 senses and schema to help us predict.

Here are some great ways to start a prediction statement...

We used different animal pictures to help us predict too!
We had to use the clues we saw to guess what the animal was.
Here are some of the picture cards we used to practice predicting.

It was a beaver! 

What is it?
We used our clues...

A cat! 

Buddy Reading

My readers are rockin'!
We are enjoying great books with our buddies!
Buddy reading is the best! 

More Pumpkin Patch Fun!

Pumpkin Patch Fun!

Check out all of the FUN we had at the Pumpkin Patch!