Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Our Science Stations and Signing Party

We had a blast during our Science stations this last week!
We reviewed our Science safety skills and different concepts we learned this year.
My little scientists had a great time!!! 
We did an experiment using safety goggles. Aren't we so cute!?!?

We used a stop watch and timed our friends doing jumping jacks.

How many jumping jacks can you do in 1 minute?

We used magnets to see what objects in the tub
were magnetic.

We looked at different rocks using hand-lenses.

Can I get your autograph?
Next, we signed our friends' autograph pages for our
end of the year scrapbooks.

Theme Days--next week!

We will also be having a theme each day for the last week of school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We will spend the end of the day having some fun with our classmates. :)

Monday: "All About Reading Day" - Your child can bring their favorite 2 books and a stuffed animal to read.

Tuesday: "Game Day" - Your child can bring their favorite board game to play. NO electronic games please.

Wednesday: "Outside Day" - Your child can bring some bubbles and sidewalk chalk.

Upcoming "End of Year" Events

Here is a list of our upcoming events for the end of the year:

Friday, May 31st: Kindergarten performs at COL at 8:00. We will be singing some end of the year songs. Each class will be wearing their kindergarten colored shirts, so please have your child wear the red shirt that has the “S” on the back.

Thursday, June 6th: Our End of the Year Party is from 1:30-2:15.  Please join us for some fun in the sun as we celebrate our fabulous year in Kindergarten and have your child wear their red  kinder shirt one last time! J

Friday, June 7th: Our Awards Ceremony in our classroom from 11:00-11:30.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Star of the Week--Tavin!

We are pleased to announce our friend, Tavin,
 is our Star of the Week  for May 20th-24th.

Check out Tavin's star poster, circle map,
and the book we created for him!

Here are a few of Tavin's favorite things:

Color: green
Best Friend: Tagg
T.V. Show: Sponge-Bob
Center: Writing Center
Animal: jaguars 
Game: Sky Giant
Sport: hockey
Holiday: Christmas

Tavin is such a bright
and sweet friend!
He is very creative and enjoys
reading and writing (especially about the Titanic).
We have enjoyed getting to know
more about our special friend!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Star of the Week--Elijah!

We are pleased to announce our friend,
Elijah, is our
Star of the Week  for May 13th-17th.

Check out Elijah's star poster, circle map,
and the book we created for him!

Here are a few of Elijah's favorite things:

Color: green
Best Friend: Luke
Season: Fall
Center: Writing Center
Number: 110
Animal: giraffes 
Game: Sky Giant
Sport: football
Holiday: Christmas

Elijah has such a great personality!
He loves to help others and care
for his family and friends.
Elijah is a rock-star at math too!
We have loved getting to know
more about our special friend!

Happy Mother's Day!

We love our moms! 
Happy Mother's Day!

Field Day Fun!!!!

Go Team Shelby!

Check out our strong muscles!!! 

Silly kids!

Go Ian Go!

We won Tug of War--YEAH!!!

YUMMY Popsicles! 

Sack races were super fun!

We are loving the water games too!

Mrs. Shelby soaked us!!! HAHA!

Thank you!


I want to thank all of you for such a wonderful week! You have made me feel so special with all of the beautiful cards, flowers, and gifts. I can’t tell you enough how much I absolutely LOVE your children!  They have learned so much this year and they continue to blow me away with their amazing minds and hearts. I don’t want to pass them along to first grade!! This is the  only drawback to being a teacher…. you have to give up those kiddos you have grown to love so much. L However, I know they will go on to be wonderful students and I hope they continue to stay in touch with me throughout their years.

Thank you again for making my year so special and for all of your hard work, support, and love. You all are the best! 

Mrs. Shelby

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Field Day!

Don't Forget...

Field Day is tomorrow!

Make sure your child wears comfortable clothing, tennis shoes, and a hat.
They will receive their field day t-shirt in the morning.
Please pre-apply sunscreen before school.

Also, they will need a sack lunch and a drink.

Join us for some FUN in the SUN! 

Star of the Week--Jayden!

We are pleased to announce our friend, Jayden, is our
Star of the Week  for May 6th-10th.

Check out Jayden's star poster, circle map,
and the book we created for her!

Here are a few of Jayden's favorite things:

Color: blue
Best Friend: Lathyn
Holiday: Halloween
Number: 1,000
Food: mac and cheese
Center: Computers
Animal: Zebras
Letter: Dd
Restaurant: Outback

  Jayden is a sweetheart!
She loves to help her friends
and work in stations.
Jayden is also
a wonderful artist!
We have enjoyed getting to know
more about our special friend!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Tornado Projects

Check out our tornado projects! We enjoyed learning all about twisters.