Monday, April 27, 2015

Open House!!!

***Mark your Calendars***

Our annual Open House is 
Thursday, May 7th!

Please plan to join us for an evening
of fun to celebrate all of your child's
hard work this year! 

Stars of the Week--Scotty and Savannah!

We have 2 STARS of the WEEK:

We are pleased to announce our friend, Scotty, is our
Star of the Week  for April 27th-May 1st.

Here are a few of Scotty's favorite things:

Color: green
Friend: Levi
Number: 17
Game: Minecraft
Insect: wasps
Animal: cheetahs
Letter: SS
Food: Mac and Cheese
Place: Zoo

Scotty is such a smart kiddo!
He loves to read and write 
about things he is learning about.
Scotty enjoys sharing his 
knowledge with his friends too.
We have enjoyed learning more about
our special friend! 


We are pleased to announce our friend, Savannah, is our
Star of the Week  for April 27th-May 1st.

Here are a few of Savannah's favorite things:

Color: purple
Friend: Carley
Number: 6
Candy: Cotton Candy
Character: Elisa
Animal: peacocks
Special: Art
Food: French Fries
Holiday: Valentine's Day
Shape: diamond

Savannah is such a sweet friend!

She enjoys writing and creating
different stories.
Savannah is always so caring and 
encouraging to her friends.
We have enjoyed getting to know 
more about our special friend! 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Art Show

Congratulations to Brooke! 
Her art piece was featured at the 
FISD Art Show this past week.

We are so thrilled and excited for her!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Fairy Tales

It's all about Fairy Tales!!!
We are reading and writing our very own fairy tales.
Fairy Tales have these elements!

We started planning our very own Fairy Tales.
We began writing our stories out too!
So creative!

LOVE their imaginations! 

Contributions of Important Texas Leaders

In Kindergarten, we have two very important Texas leaders to learn about:
-Stephen F. Austin
-Jose Navarro

As a class, we discussed what a contribution is. 
We talked about how we can contribute at home, school or even in our community.
Here are a few of the contributions we came up with:
-Helping others when they are hurt
-Picking up trash in our classroom or around our school
-Cleaning up our rooms at home
-Giving food to the needy

We tied our discussion of contributions to our special Texas leaders. 
How did these leaders contribute to our state?

Stephen F. Austin contributions to Texas:
-He helped bring families to Texas to live.
-Schools and a university is named after him
-Our state capital is named "Austin" from SFA
-Known as the "Father of Texas"

We compared George Washington to SFA.
How did they both contribute to us as Texans and Americans?

Safety Town Fun!

We had a blast at Frisco Fire Safety Town on Friday!
Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who came
to help out during our field trip.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Star of the Week--Reese!

We are pleased to announce our friend, Reese, is our
Star of the Week  for April 6th-10th.

Here are a few of Reese's favorite things:

Color: pink
Friend: Josie
Number: 100
T.V. Show: My Little Pony
Restaurant: Pie Five
Holiday: Christmas
Sport: Cheerleading
Letter: Rr

Reese is a total sweetheart!

We love her heart and amazing
She enjoys writing
and reading. 
We have enjoyed getting to know
more about our special friend.

Celebration of Learning

What a great Celebration of Learning on Friday!
We enjoyed ourselves! 
Congratulations to some of our friends:

Favour was our February Hippest in the House for the character
trait citizenship. He is always encouraging others and helping out.
We are so proud of you! 

Onie was our Hippest in the House for the month of March.
His character trait was confidence.
Onie is such a positive, confident student in everything that he does.
Way to go, Onie! 

Reese received our Hippest in the House for citizenship too!
She is such a sweet friend--always helping out others, encouraging her friends,
and leading a hand in our classroom.
We are so proud-- Reese! 

Brooke received an art award for her PTA reflection.
Way to go, Brooke! 

Carley also received an art award for her art show pieces
that was featured in the FISD art show in downtown Frisco.
Carley--you make us proud! 

Texas: Maps and Globes

It was all about TEXAS this week!

We learned how to use a map and globe.
We discussed and practiced finding our planet, continent, 
country, state, and city using a map and globe.

My students ROCK at finding locations!

Check out our little "map" booklets we created.