We wrote acrostic poems this week!
I hope you enjoy reading our creative poems
about a Farm and Spring.
We also wrote acrostic poems using our names and a friend's name.
I will try to get some of those posted very soon!
F: un A: pples and vegetables R: oses M: ilk the cows |
F: arm has animals A: barn is red R: ope a calf M: ud on the farm |
F: un A: horse R:ide a horse M:eat |
S:uper awesome P:retty R:any I:love spring N:ice weather G:reen everywhere |
S:unny day P:lay out R:un I: like sunny days N:ever hot G:reen grass |
S:unny P:lay outside R:un I: can plant seeds N:ice outside G:o for a walk |