Friday, March 27, 2015

Stars of the Week--Ojas and Onie!

We are pleased to announce our TWO friends, Ojas and Onie as our
Stars of the Week  for March 30th-April 3rd.

Here are a few of Ojas' favorite things:

Color: silver
Friend: Nate
Specials: P.E.
Number: 100
Candy: cupcake
Restaurant: McDonald's
Toy: Spider Man
Food: pizza
Letter: Aa

Ojas is such a respectful and responsible friend.
He likes to problem solve and 
write stories about his family.
Ojas is a great friend too! 
We have loved learning more
about our special friend. 


We are pleased to announce our friend, Onie is our
Star of the Week.

Here are a few of Onie's favorite things:

Color: blue
Friend: Sydney
Sport: football
Number: 88
Food: Sesame Chicken
Candy: Kit-Kats
Restaurant: CiCi Pizza
Team: Dallas Cowboys
Movie: Big Six Hero
Shape: rhombus

Onie keeps us smiling and laughing!
He is such a pleasure to be around each day.
Onie loves to dance and write stories.
He has such a good attitude! 
We have loved learning more
about our special friend.