Sunday, March 1, 2015

Star of the Week--Max and Nate!

We have TWO Star of the Weeks!!!

We are pleased to announce our friends, Max  and Nate is our
Star of the Week  for March 2nd-6th.

Here are a few of Max's favorite things:

Color: green
Friend: Levi
Specials: Art
Number: 100
Game: Mouse Trap
Food: noodles
Holiday: Halloween
Candy: M&M's

Max keeps us smiling!
He loves to laugh and make others
feel special. 
Max likes to write and 
solve tricky math problems too.
We have enjoyed learning more
about our special friend.

Here are a few of Nate's favorite things:

Color: blue
Friend: Angelo
Number: 20
Sport: soccer
Candy: chocolate
T.V. show: Minecraft
Animal: penguin
Restaurant: Papa Murphy

Nate is a super sweet friend!
He likes to read and work in
math stations.
Nate is a great writer too.
We have enjoyed learning more
about our special friend.