Sunday, September 29, 2013

Yummy!! We made Applesauce!

Since we are working on making predictions in reading,
I thought it might be fun to see if my little stars could use their predicting skills
and guess what we were going to make from their apples.

I set out all of the ingredients and this recipe on Friday. 
Some of their predictions were:
-apple pie
-apple juice
-apple cake

Then, someone predicted and...
What was it? 

One of our clues...the recipe!

We mixed our apples with LOTS OF SUGAR! 


Some yummy cinnamon..

some water...

more cinnamon...

We stirred...

J.R. stirred....

We smashed the apples...

We mushed the apples...

After a lot of stirring, smashing, and mushing
we cooked our applesauce all day! 

We read the story: A Little, Red House with No Doors, No Windows, and a Star Inside.
The story is about a little boy who goes looking for a little, red
house with no doors, no windows, and a star inside.
Before he gives up, the "wind" helps him to find it.
What does he find?
He finds out the house is a little, red apple.
Check out the star inside!
Soooo cool!!! 

For snack, we ate our yummy applesauce! 

I think Carson likes it! 

Tanner is enjoying his applesauce!