Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sketching and Booklets

In Writer's Workshop this week, we learned a 
couple of new writing concepts. 
We are well on our way to becoming wonderful writers!

First, we learned how to sketch our pictures.
A sketch is a quick drawing of what we are planning to write about.

As a good writer, we want to be able to write a 
complete story with a beginning, middle, and end. 
Sketching helps us to have more time to write our words.

When we are finished writing, then we go back
 and add detail to our pictures.
Grace has sketched her picture and written her story.
Now, she is going back to color and add details.
Luke is writing about going to sleep.
He sketched his picture and began writing his story.

Next, we discussed how a good writer has
 a beginning, middle, and end to their story.

But, how do they get each part written on paper?

We used a special type of paper to help us organize our thoughts.
Then, we labeled each part as we wrote out our story.
B= beginning
M= middle
E= ending

I went on an airplane to Hawaii.
I played on the beach.
And then I ate with my family. 

I went to the house.
I played Wii.
I went back to my house (on an airplane).
So cute!!!

Lastly, we started writing BOOKS!!!
YES, our very own books!

We are learning that a good writer can stretch 
their story across 3 pages using a booklet.

So, we wrote our beginning on page 1, middle on page 2, 
and our ending on page 3 of our booklets.

Check out a few of my friends who have 
started writing their booklet stories.
Lathyn has started his story about going to the swimming pool.

Tagg wrote about his trip to Hawaii in a booklet.
Beginning--I went to Hawaii with mom and dad.
The middle of his story--I am going to the beach.
The end of his story--I am going home.

Kara-Lyne is writing about getting a dog.
Beginning: I went to buy a dog.

Middle: I found the perfect one.