Saturday, September 1, 2012

Our First Week in Kindergarten!

We had such a fabulous first week!!! 
Some of our week's activities included:

Learning our procedures and expectations
Exploring Reader's and Writer's Workshop
Learning all about our toolboxes and materials
Counting during our Math Workshop
Meeting some new friends
Touring our beautiful new campus
Visiting with our Phillips' Staff
Going to Specials--P.E., Art, Music, and Computers
Leading and Learning at Phillips!!!

Check out some of our fun!!!
Here are some photos from our literacy workshop time:
Emily and Aidan working with playdoh and letter mats.

Camila created the letter c with playdoh!
Friends working on a few puzzles.
Elijah is working on his puzzle.

Here is our yellow table working on shadow letters.
Kara-Lyne is having fun with shadow letters.
Puzzles are so much fun!

During Math Workshop this week, we are learning about
all of our "math tools." We also practiced counting
and recording our findings. During calendar math, we sang our
months of the year song and the days of the week.

Check out our Math Workshop stations:
Ian and Grace are exploring colored tiles.
Kara-Lyne and Lathyn are playing with unifix cubes.

Luke and Tavin are exploring our pattern blocks during Math Workshop.
Avishi, Braeden, and Kasey are having some fun with our bears.