Thursday, February 18, 2016

Star of the Week---Aarayaveer and Kassidy!

We have TWO stars this week! 

We are pleased to announce our friend, Aarayaveer, is our
Star of the Week  for February 15th-18th.

Here are a few of Aarayaveer's favorite things:

Color: light blue
Friend: Mateo
Food: popa rice
Candy: chocolate
Game: Crossy Road
Restaurant: McDonald's
Toy: basketball 

Aarayaveer is a super sweet friend.
He likes science and math. 
He is always thinking and sharing
his thinking with his peers.
We are so excited to learn more
about our special friend.


We are pleased to announce our friend, Kassidy, is
our Star of the Week too! 

Here are a few of Kassidy's favorite things:

Color: pink
Friend: Jaxon
Specials: music
Food: pizza
Restaurant: Chick-fa-la
Toy: cars
Number: 5
Month: May

Kassidy is a super sweet friend! 
She loves to read and write.
Kassidy is a great listener too.
She loves music!
We have enjoyed getting to know more
about our special friend.