Thursday, February 18, 2016

Exploring Soil!

We loved looking and exploring SOIL! 

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a blast on Valentine's Day! 

We made bags for our cards! 

We passed out our cards to our friends! 

The magician was fun too! 
Nicola got to help him on stage! 

Nicole did too! 

Making Inferences

What is an inference?

Inferring is when a reader uses what they already know
and the clues from a text or the world around them
to help them figure our what the author is saying.

We did just that this week in Reader's Workshop.
We begin by using Mrs. Shelby's bag to practice our inferring skills.

We used different pictures of animals to make inferences
about what we see and think.
We wrote our thoughts on sticky notes.

What's in Mrs. Shelby's Bag???
The kids loved making inferences about my stuff! :) 


Inferring Investigation
On Thursday, we read a story called Snow Day.
We used our schemas and experiences to come up with 
different snow day activities. This would later help 
us on our inferring investigation.

Next, we read a story about a little boy named Tim and his
Grandmother Sue. Tim woke up one morning and saw snow on the ground.
He listened to the TV and found out that there will be no school!
Every kid's dream...right! :)

So, he spent the day with his Grandma Sue while his mother
went to work. When his mother returned home that afternoon,
she did not see Tim or his grandma. She did find some "clues" into
what they did during the day though. She wrote use a letter to ask us for help.
We put on our investigating hats and away we went...

Tim and Grandma's clues...

We worked with partners to create maps of
what we thought they did on the snowy day.

Here are some maps.

Star of the Week---Aarayaveer and Kassidy!

We have TWO stars this week! 

We are pleased to announce our friend, Aarayaveer, is our
Star of the Week  for February 15th-18th.

Here are a few of Aarayaveer's favorite things:

Color: light blue
Friend: Mateo
Food: popa rice
Candy: chocolate
Game: Crossy Road
Restaurant: McDonald's
Toy: basketball 

Aarayaveer is a super sweet friend.
He likes science and math. 
He is always thinking and sharing
his thinking with his peers.
We are so excited to learn more
about our special friend.


We are pleased to announce our friend, Kassidy, is
our Star of the Week too! 

Here are a few of Kassidy's favorite things:

Color: pink
Friend: Jaxon
Specials: music
Food: pizza
Restaurant: Chick-fa-la
Toy: cars
Number: 5
Month: May

Kassidy is a super sweet friend! 
She loves to read and write.
Kassidy is a great listener too.
She loves music!
We have enjoyed getting to know more
about our special friend. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Star of the Week--Alex!

We are pleased to announce our friend, Alex, is our
Star of the Week  for February 1st-5th.

Here are a few of Alex's favorite things:

Color: pink
Friend: Makayla
Number: 18
Restaurant: Chili's
Food: mac and cheese
Animal: pigs
Dessert: ice cream
Game: Match the Person

Alex is such a sweet friend!
She loves to write and read.
She is a great helper! 
We have loved getting to know
more about our special friend.  

The 100th Day of School!

Happy 100th Day of School! 
We had so much fun on Wednesday celebrating our
100th day! 
Check it out! 
We made a 100th day snack of trail mix!
Our trail mix had 100 items in it!

Loved seeing my friends dressed like they were 100 years old! 

Here is 100 year old Jonathan! 

and 100 year old Ethan! 

So funny! Loved Kyler's t-shirt! 

We made 100 day hats! 

These friend all wore 100 things! 

Addition and Subtraction Friends

 Please meet Gus the Plus and Linus the Minus!
These two friends help us add and subtract!