Saturday, January 3, 2015

Our Gingerbread Hunt

Run, run as fast as you can!
You can't catch me...
I'm the Gingerbread Man!

We had a blast going on our gingerbread hunt!
Arriving in our classroom, we found these crumbles, this note,
and a book about a Gingerbread Man who got loose in the school.

Off we went! 

We had to look for clues all around the school...

Ms. C's class joined us to see if we could
find our cookies together. 

Oh, it's a clue!!!

We finally found our cookies!
Those sneaky little things...they 
were in our classroom all along.
Tricky Gingerbread Men!!!

Our cookies were yummy, yummy! 

Then, we made our own gingerbread cookies.

Check out the Gingerbread Pirate! 

It's a Gingerbread Girl! 

A Gingerbread Princess

A Gingerbread Boy