Sunday, September 28, 2014

"Just-right" Books

We are picking JUST-RIGHT books!
It is important as a good reader
to find books that are just right for you.
Reading a "just-right" book helps us
to become a better reader in so many ways!
To help us understand,we discussed
 how books are a lot like our shoes...
Shoes need to have a good fit!  

I brought some shoes from home to illustrate the importance 
of a "good-fit." 

We picked just-right books and shared them with our friends.

Angelo is picking a just-right book to read.

We picked books that we are interested in reading.
Those books are just-right for us too!

We played a game to help us understand what "just-right" means.
We read little stories about different people that
need specific shoes to help them do a job or activity.
Then, we matched up the story to the correct footwear.