Sunday, August 31, 2014

Our FUN Reading Projects!

We enjoyed reading some fun stories this week!
We read David Goes to School by David Shannon.
David is a little mischievous at school, but by
the end of the story, he makes his teacher happy!
What did we learn from David?
We learned...
How to be a good student and make
great choices at school!
Check out our little "Davids:"
Brooke's David is going to respect others.

Lynne's will too!

Sydney would like for her David to keep his
hands and feet to himself.

Nate would like for his David to share
and take turns with his friends.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Welcome to Our Classroom!
We read this delightful story too!
Each letter of the alphabet
is trying to climb the coconut tree
and reach the top.
Who will be at
 the top of the coconut tree?
You or me?


We made little coconut trees.

Our letters are climbing high!

Which one will make it to the top???