Thursday, August 22, 2013

Meet the Teacher!

It was so AMAZING to meet all of my new 
K friends and their families tonight! 
I can not wait to see you all again on Monday! 
It's going to be a great year!!!
AMAZING THINGS are going to happen here! 

Just a few reminders to help on the first day:

  • Make sure your child gets plenty of rest for the first day.
  • They need to eat a healthy, yummy breakfast. Lots of BRAIN FOODS!
  • Remember to label your child's snack and place it in their backpack.
  • I recommend tennis shoes for the first week. These shoes are the most comfy for kiddos..since we will be walking and up moving around a lot!
  • If they are purchasing a hot lunch from the cafeteria, please make sure they have money on their account. Log on to and set up your child's lunch order.
  • Start the day off with a positive thought and attitude! Let's make it a great year! 
When you arrive on the first day: 
  • Double check to make sure you have notified me about how your child will be getting home today.
  • Kiss and go! :) We will be fabulous! We will have a blast and see you this afternoon!