Sunday, April 21, 2013

Reader's Workshop Skill: Inferring

It is so exciting to see my students reading so well!
We are up to 12 minutes of reading during our independent reading time.
Our goal, by the end of the year, is to be reading for 15 minutes!
We are getting close! 

Last week, we continued to practice a very important reading skill: Making Inferences
When you infer, you are using clues and your
prior knowledge to help you understand what is happening in the story.

To review this skill, we played a little game using Mrs. Shelby's purse.
We took a look at some items from my bag and the
 kids had to make inferences about me based on the items I showed them. 
Let me tell was funny! 
I love some of the stuff they came up with.

Next, we continued to practice our inferring skills
using a poem called I am ____.
As we read this poem, we had to infer what
creature or animal it might be talking about.

Let's just say, my kids are good! 
They came up with some great ideas based
on the clues we read in the poem.
Then, we created our inferences and wrote about it.