Monday, November 5, 2012

November is Here!

We are scootin' into November!
Fall  in love with our learning...

In Reader's Workshop, we began to read
and make connections to our stories.
It's called "text to self "connections.

We drew about a connection we had
to the characters in Shelia Rae, The Brave.

Wonderful connections!!!

Camila is sharing her connection with a friend!

During Math Workshop, we continued to extend patterns.

We created a pattern using cubes and then recorded it.

In Science, we studied cooling and melting.
We did an experiment with gummy bears.

What would happen if we applied heat to gummy bears?

Our gummy bears before we applied the heat...

Our Gummy Bear Predications

We were the winners of a popcorn party!
We had the most parents join PTA!!
Thank you parents and  Phillips PTA!

Our phonics lessons this week were all about beginning sounds.

We matched up picture cards to "beginning sound" letter cards
to review different CVC words.
What a fun game!

We are falling in love with November!!!

Check out our Fall leaves...

Aiden and his orange Fall leaf

Fall leaves are...

Kara-Lyne's leaf is orange.

Lathyn's leaf is brown.

Elijah's leaf is brown.

Our room looks GREAT! Love the leaves!

Lastly, check out a problem we worked on during problem solving.
We are learning so many problem solving strategies!

Math is FUN!!!