Tuesday, August 28, 2012



Thank you for your patience this afternoon with dismissal! 
We are still working the bugs out of our dismissal process.  
At dismissal time, older siblings walk to the Kinder pod and pick up their younger sibling.  They then go to their designated dismissal spot together. 

Carpool:   Please display your carpool tag in the passenger side visor.   Please do not put these on the dashboard, it is difficult for us to see.  The name of the student should be bold in a dark color, written large enough for us to see from a distance. 

Walkers: Walkers will be out on the side of the building by the playground.  We have 2 Kinder teachers that will be walking out these students, Ms. Martin and Mrs. Nixon. 

Please verify with your child’s teacher the dismissal place you would like them to go by Friday.  It is important for all students to follow a consistent dismissal process each day.  We understand that things come up, however, since walkers and carpool are dismissing in different places it is vital that we know where to send them. 

Thank you again!  We are working hard to keep your child safe!